Suppose you could wave a magic wand and make all your dreams come true. What would you wish for?
Some moms want to reinvent their own childhood memories into a better life for their children. They want their children to have a lifetime of happy memories.
Some moms want to nurture their children to success. They want them to grow to be people of character. They want to give them a firm foundation for life.
All moms want to wrap their children with love. They want their babies to feel the security that comes with unconditional love
What is the key to having all your dreams come true?
Believe in yourself. You are Hero Mom! The power of love fuels your actions and leads you to success.
Hero Moms start with small, deliberate steps. They know that each action has the power to change their babies’ lives.
Hero Mom tip No. 1: Take your prenatal supplement with folic acid each day. This helps your baby form healthy brain cells.
Hero Mom tip No. 2: Give your baby the gift of a walk every day. Walking—and other forms of exercise- reduces back pain, eases constipation and may reduce your risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and cesarean delivery. Check with your doctor to see what exercise is best for you.
Hero Mom tip No. 3: Hero Moms promise themselves—and their babies—freedom from alcohol and marijuana for the entire pregnancy. Prenatal exposure to alcohol is the leading preventable cause of birth defects and intellectual disabilities in children.
Hero Mom tip No. 4: Breastfeed. The bonding glue that lasts a lifetime. Plan to bond with your miracle from day one. It is worth it.
Hero Mom tip No. 5: There are a million reasons to eat too much while pregnant—and one powerful reason not to: your baby. Your pregnancy weight gain relates to your baby’s birth weight. That’s important because high birth weight may predict high adult weight.
What can you do this week to help your dreams come true?
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