What kind of mother do you hope to be?
What are you doing today to be the mom you want to be tomorrow?
Being the mom of your dreams is possible. Check out actions other moms are taking to be the mom of their dreams.
Tip No. 1: Talk to your health provider about all your concerns. If you need additional help ask for a referral for counseling. Depression and stress are not just hormonal issues. About one in four women become depressed at some point in their lives.
Tip No. 2: Walk with a friend. Talk. Share. Listen. Celebrate. Having trouble connecting with friends? Then walk alone. Alone or with friends, exercise naturally increases “feel-good” serotonin levels.
Tip No. 3: Sleep! Regular sleep schedules—and lots of naps—help you handle stress and life challenges.
Tip No. 4: Fuel your body with foods that help you feel better. Fruit, veggies and protein are good basics. Skip the caffeine, sugar, artificial sugars and processed foods.
Tip No. 5: Celebrate who you are and what you are becoming. Know that you are worthy of joy. And believe in your ability to be a great mom. Your baby is cheering you on!
How will you be brave for you and your baby?
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