Take a Selfie

How many selfies do you take each day? Most people take between one and four selfies a day.

There is one important “selfie” to take today: A selfie of you and your baby together, breastfeeding.

When your precious baby grows up, talk about what that photo represents. Talk about how you loved the most beautiful smell in the world - their newborn baby smell. Talk about feeling their warm, snuggly body held tightly against your body. Talk about the look of love your baby gave you when you brought them to your breast. Talk about how you and your baby worked together to know when - and how much - to eat. Talk about how you dreamed big dreams for your baby in the middle of the night, when the world was just the two of you. Talk about your commitment to them then - and always.

What will you not share about your breastfeeding experience with your child as they grow? You might not share how you worried if they were getting enough food - because they thrived. You might not talk about your lack of support - because you always had your baby’s support. You probably will not tell them how many times you breastfed during their growth spurts - because you are thankful for that growth. And you might not mention the many sleepless nights you breastfed rather than slept - because you wish for those close, precious moments again.

So, take a selfie of you breastfeeding your baby today. Put it in a special place. Show your child the selfie at life changing moments like marriage or the birth of their first baby. Savor the memories once again, knowing the bond that started with breastfeeding will never end.

Take time of yourself. Put “take care of me” at the top of your to do list. Take a walk. Soak in a long bath. Call a friend. Read a book. Go down a slide or take a ride on a swing. You are worth it.

Write a letter to your future self. Take time to write a letter to your future self. In your letter, capture the swirl of feelings and events that motherhood brings. Imagine the future. Predict what your baby will be like in 10 years. Guess what the world will be like. Date the letter and tuck it away for future discovery.

Look at past photos of you. We are all on a path of discovery, learning more about ourselves and lives over the years. Take time to look at past photos. How are you different today? What lessons have you learned? What makes you proud? Celebrate every year and life event that has led you to be the amazing mom you are today.

Visit WICBreastfeeding.FNS.USDA.gov/Taking-Care-You for ideas to care for yourself or WICBreastfeeding.FNS.USDA.gov/Letter-Your-Future-Self for inspiration for your letter to yourself.

For more information on breastfeeding and your breastfeeding journey, visit WICBreastfeeding.FNS.USDA.gov.

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