What do you think about while breastfeeding your baby?
Moms know life can spiral out of control at times. Days can feel like a turbo-charged rollercoaster ride as they shuffle between tasks, responsibilities, children and breastfeeding. Time rushes by as they focus on the future or the past.
Wise moms choose to capture each moment. They know they have one life, and they want to treasure each precious second. Decisions are based on what brings them joy, pride, memories and peace.
Breastfeeding can be a priceless moment, or a task on a “to do” list. If your desire is to be fully present for each life moment, especially breastfeeding, consider these tips:
Time flies. A year from now, your baby will likely be talking, laughing and crawling. Take time today to see and enjoy your moments with fresh eyes.
Looking for ways to keep your breastfeeding adventure fresh? Read on.
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