Mom Worries

Which questions are on your worry list?

Great moms like you focus on loving your children and being the best mom possible. But daily worries may cause some moms to ask, “Am I doing everything right?”

Eliminate questions from your worry list by considering these feeding tips:

What foods could harm my baby? “Honey” may be a favorite name for babies but do not give it to babies until after their first birthday. Honey can be dangerous, as it can cause infant botulism.

Juice and cow’s milk sound like wholesome and safe foods, and they are for children over the age of 1. Giving them to children under age 1 can be upsetting to your baby’s tummy. Stick to breastmilk or formula.

Will my baby choke while eating? Soft foods are best for babies. Avoid foods like these to prevent choking:

  • Cereal in the bottle
  • Pieces of hard raw fruit or vegetables
  • Uncut grapes, berries, cherries, melon balls, cherry or grape tomatoes and whole pieces of canned fruit
  • Cooked or raw whole corn kernels
  • Dry fruit such as raisins
  • Whole or chopped nuts
  • Tough or large chunks of meat
  • Hot dogs, meat sticks, sausages, fish with bones, large chunks of cheese, especially string cheese
  • Cookies or granola bars
  • Potato or corn chips, pretzels, or similar snack foods
  • Crackers or breads with seeds, nut pieces, or whole grain kernels
  • Whole kernels of cooked rice, barley, wheat, or other grains
  • Hard candy, jellybeans, caramels, gum drops, or gummy candies
  • Chewing gum
  • Marshmallows

Is my baby eating enough vegetables? Getting infants to eat vegetables is easy. Just keep serving veggies repeatedly until your infant eats them. Research suggests children need 10-15 exposures before learning to love vegetables.

Vegetables are best served with a smile - but no comments. Pushing or forcing children to eat vegetables can backfire, causing them to eat less and dislike them more.

Take this question off your worry list: “Am I a good mom?” The short answer is “Yes!” You are a loving, selfless and responsible mom. You are a blessing to your children.

Which of these tips will help shorten your feeding worry list?

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