Strong Moms

Pick a word that says something about the kind of mother you hope to be.

A mom’s spirit is strong and powerful. They do not negotiate or compromise on gifts they want to give their babies. How can moms deliver the best for their children?

Decide what is important. Babies give moms purpose and goals. What is important to you as a mom?

  • Saving cereal until your baby is 6 months old, despite pressure from well-meaning friends and relatives?
  • Breastfeeding for a full year, even when the going gets tough?
  • Allowing babies to feed themselves without pressure or encouragement, although the “clean-plate club” members may object?

Press on and stand firm, strong mamas. Moms may not know everything about babies, but they do know what gifts they want to give their baby. Make a list of what matters most to you and listen to your inner voice about how to achieve your dreams.

Confront obstacles. The road to success is always filled with stumbling blocks, and sometimes those barriers can be friends and family. Seek the wisdom of others and respectfully listen to advice, then decide what you will do to achieve your goals. Never give up on what matters most to you and your baby.

Loving grandparents mean well, but they can also may not agree with your nutrition goals for your little one. They come bearing gifts for your child that may not be on the mom-approved list or offer sweets minutes before dinner. Stand firm on what matters most to you. Share your heart, respectfully asking they work with you to give your baby the best.

Tap into powerful motivators. Babies are the most powerful motivators on earth. With only a toothless grin, babies refuel mom’s sagging hearts and renew dedication to what matters most.

To keep you motivated and on track, post baby photos along with lists of what you want to do for your baby each week. It can be as simple as “more outdoor play,” “introduce broccoli,” “hide the salt shaker,” “try mashed beans,” “set out chopped fruit for snacks” or “remember to offer peanut butter each week.”

A formal mom’s job description might read like this: Dream big. Give your baby the best you can. Believe in yourself. Listen to your gut. Work around obstacles. Tap into your motivations. Gather cheerleaders. Celebrate success.

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