
How do you feel when you protect your growing baby?

Pregnancy is magical and miraculous. During the transition to motherhood, hearts stretch and minds expand. The impossible becomes possible. When something is in a mother’s heart, nothing will stop her from fulfilling her dreams.

Being stuck with old habits can be painful when you want to do the right thing for your baby. Habits like drinking alcohol can cause birth defects such as fetal alcohol syndrome, along with miscarriage and stillbirth. While a small glass of wine or beer may seem safe, there is no harmless amount of any alcohol during pregnancy. To protect your growing baby, say no to wine, beer, wine coolers and liquor.

Which of these tips might help you counter social pressure to drink alcohol?

  • Answer the “What if” question before gathering with pushy friends.
    • “What if I stood firm in my desire to protect my baby?”
    • “What if I said no to alcohol because my baby’s future success means more than the opinion of a few ‘friends’
      who want me to drink?”
    • “What if I was proud of being a protective mother rather than a drinking companion?”
  • Prepare responses to stop pushy “friends” from pressuring you to drink.
    • “Good things are ahead for me and my baby. I do not want to ruin their future by drinking now.”
    • “Growing a perfect baby is important to me right now so I will pass on that beer.”
    • “I am sure you want my baby to be healthy, right? So that means I need to pass on the wine.”

Love enables moms to do things that seem impossible. Stand firm. You have what it takes to protect your baby from alcohol - and your sweet baby is counting on you.

Which of these tips may help you protect your baby from alcohol?

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