Send Shame Packing

Shame has no place in a mother’s heart. It is easy to feel shame when you do not live up to the expectation of others, or even your own standards of perfection. Shame can chip away at your desire to be a great mom.

Today is a good day to send shame packing. Here are ways moms can move from feeling shameful to proud:

  • Start with small steps and recognize the life-changing potential of every small action. Take nature walks with your children. Even short walks let them experience the wonder of nature and the joy of being outside. That is a small, but profoundly powerful gift.
  • Honor what makes you proud. Did your children spend more time playing with each other than buried in screens? Did you brush your children’s teeth today? Small steps are major victories. Be proud, mama.
  • Set your own standards. No one gets to decide what is normal or best for you. If you want your children to have an abundance of family memories, gather them around the table. That is where memories are made and values transferred. Mission accomplished.

Stop the shame spiral. When shame creeps into your heart, stop it in its tracks with affirmations like these:

  • “I am a powerful mom who is doing great things to raise happy and successful children.”
  • “I am working hard to be the great mother I always dreamed of being.”
  • “I am human, and humans are never perfect. I am doing the best I can, and that is good.”

Small changes can divert your journey from feeling shameful to proud. Believe in yourself, listen to your heart and soar.

Shame often creates stress. Which of these tips will you try the next time you feel shame or stress?

Feeling tense? Take a walk. Focus on birds and trees rather than stress.

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